Sunday, February 21, 2016

Anita Give Some Praise To A Very Special Lady.

Let me introduce you to my gorgeous sister, Anita Mann.

My sister and I have an act that can not flop. My sister and are headed straight for the top. I wish my sister and I earned a 'thou (at least a week) oh, yeah. I am happy to say that this bitch is far from deceased...Pardon my terrible attempt at a broadway joke, but it was needed. Me and Anita go back to yesteryear together and I am grateful for the way we became a drag family.  

"Sometimes all you need is a party hat to keep yourself afloat," is legitimately the first thing I remember she ever said to me. Anita and I go far enough back that I knew her skinny ass before I even was open about my dream to be a lady of the night.This gorgeous piece is the older, twisted scissor sister that I always wanted. 

Our artistic trajectories have crossed paths so many times, that the natural born "competition driven" theater queen in us knows our balanced strengths so well in one another. It's nice to not have to be in competition with another queer man in this town because you see each other as equals. Typically queer-mo's get all puffy chested and snide to one another if their talent is threatened, but with my sister it's just never been the case. No weird gay boy stuff, no male superiority complexes, and no aggressive romantic gestures were exchanged between the both of us and I can't express how lovely it is to have a guy in my life that just wants to platonically genderfuck the world together.  

I've made a lot of choices lately to wean out some bad energy in toxic friendships and replacing it with my ambition to really get dragging around Walla Walla, indefinitely. Anita has had my back all the way through my recent metamorphosis just by telling me that I am good enough.Theater is everything we live for and it's so nice to share it with a person who doesn't have a real chocha! (No Offense Ladies, I just like to be effeminate with dudes sometimes, too.)  

I am so lucky to have a friend who can teach me how to dramatise every crevice of my man face to fool the world that I am a Queen like no other! Some shady queens would just leave me with both garage doors open, a pat on the ass, and rosary beads to pray for some help...But my sister didn't stray! She is helping me with the tricks of the trade and I am so thankful for that.  

The only thing we can do is make each other better men who like to dress up like women. I am beyond ecstatic about the drag community we are building together here in podunk Walla Walla, Washington. Never in my life did I think I would have the gumption to put on a pair of cha-cha heels while fake singing and dancing in the middle of a conservative area such as ours. All my life I have been dreaming of this and it's finally coming true! Now, all I want for my birthday is to donate to a good cause, dance in my pannies all night, and let my sister have center stage and show Walla what she is truly made of. So let's fucking SLAY, queen. 

I clichely conclude by saying I really couldn't do this without Anita! I'm so glad we're back in the saddle again! Thanks for being born talented or whatever....haha

Kisses! Xx'


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